Catholic Parish Launches Phone Bank in Effort to Reach Parishioners Affected by COVID Pandemic


December 23, 2020

SCARBOROUGH — — Phone bank project launched this week by St. John Paul II Catholic Parish aimed at outreach to parishioners affected by coronavirus pandemic.

Volunteers from throughout St. John Paul II Catholic Parish’s three churches began calling their fellow parishioners this week in an effort to connect with those especially affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

“St. John Paul II Catholic Parish is comprised of almost 4,000 families, many of whom are unable to attend Mass due to COVID-related health concerns and the numerical limit placed on those allowed to worship in person due to the pandemic,” said spokesman Ryan Bilodeau. “Our phone bank initiative allows the parish to reach out to those disenfranchised at this time by channeling the generosity of our parishioners in a way that is safe for everyone since the work being done is from their own homes.”

The aim of the phone bank is to check in on parishioners from across Southern Maine and to inquire about how the parish can best meet the spiritual needs of those who can’t be with us in person at church during this unprecedented time. Any pastoral requests made by parishioners will be logged and communicated to parish staffers. Those interested in helping with the virtual the phone bank event from the safety of their own home are encouraged to sign up on the parish website

St. John Paul II spokesman Ryan Bilodeau thanked parishioners assisting with the virtual phone bank,“We are so appreciative of those volunteering to help with our St. John Paul II Parish virtual phone bank as we attempt to check in on so many of our parishioners who are relegated to their homes due to COVID. This effort will truly help us as a parish in our efforts to unite closer as the Body of Christ. And as we simultaneously update our records through these calls, we will be better equipped to reach out to our parishioners in the future.”

In July, St. Bartholomew Parish in Cape Elizabeth, St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish in Scarborough, and St. John and Holy Cross Parish in South Portland joined to form the new St. John Paul II Parish. The three churches maintained their individual names under the common patronage and intercession of St. John Paul II.

The mission of St. John Paul II parish is to live and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ as disciples called to evangelize, inspire, and make of the Church a welcoming, supportive environment. For more information, visit



St. John Paul II Parish - Maine Catholic News
St. John Paul II Parish - Maine Catholic News

Written by St. John Paul II Parish - Maine Catholic News


St. John Paul II is a Catholic Parish in Southern Maine comprised of 3 churches and 1 school in South Portland, Cape Elizabeth & Scarborough.

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